fiware The Entirety Tool

Entirety is web-based tool developed to facilitate the work with dedicated FIWARE APIs. Entirety is structured in different applications (Apps) and projects; Apps are developed to interact with FIWARE Generic Enablers (GEs), and projects are used to separate the database into independent data spaces. Entirety is based on Python and the Django framework. For the interaction with FIWARE GEs, the FIWARE Library for Python (FiLiP) is used. At the moment, FiLiP only supports NGSI-v2, therefore Entirety also only supports NGSI-v2. Once NGSI-LD is supported by FiLiP, we plan to integrate these features in Entirety as well.

Find more details on Github Entirety Readme and more upcoming features on the Roadmap.


Currently, Entirety supports interaction with the following Generic Enablers: Orion, IoT Agent-JSON, and QuantumLeap. Accordingly, the Apps "Entities", "Devices", and "Notifications" are developed to communicate with these GEs. Which App shall be loaded can be configured in the .env file at startup of Entirety.


According to FIWARE's way of separating data for multi-tenancy applications using the HTTP header "fiware-service", Entirety uses projects that are bound to specific "fiware-service" headers. This way, projects can only access data that they created and are authorized for.